Bo Film Works is giving away money

Here's how to enter!

Watch A Mother's Hope movie and tell us what you liked about it. Take a picture of your holiday plate with the movie A Mother's Hope playing in the background. Email it to us at or post it to social media with the hashtag #amothershopemovie and your in. Deadline for submissions is Midnight December 31, 2024. Selection and notification will take place January 12, 2025.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving

Watch A Mother's Hope on these streaming platforms

Bofilmworks A Mother's Hope Holiday Giveaway

Holiday Giveaway

**Contest Rules**

Bo Film Works is excited to announce a contest where one participant will win a $100 Visa gift card! To enter, you must be at least 18 years old. Simply submit a photo of your holiday plate with the movie “A Mother’s Hope” playing in the background. Along with your photo, please tell us what you love about “A Mother’s Hope” from Bo Film Works, and include your name, state, and country of residence. You can email your photos to or share your picture on social media with the hashtag #amothershopemovie. Acceptable platforms for posting include Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Threads, TikTok, Bluesky, X, and Fanbase. Each participant may submit only one entry, but feel free to watch “A Mother’s Hope” as many times as you wish! Please note that actors, crew members, and production staff associated with “A Mother’s Hope” are not eligible to win. Any attempts to circumvent these rules may result in disqualification. The contest closes at midnight on December 31, 2024, Eastern Standard Time. One winner will be chosen and notified on January 12, 2025, via email or direct message on social media. The winner will also be announced on our website and social media channels.